1-2 Players
20-40 mins
Age: 14+
Gates of Niflheim is a solo/co-op Viking dungeon crawler board game with an RPG style narrative campaign that plays right on the scenario book.
Your heroes are seasoned warriors striving to close the gates that border this world with the next, all the time trying to survive the abominations that Hell has to throw at you.
They must work together to find the best path, each scenario giving them options on which way to go next.
The players choices determine the fate of the heroes. The game plays out over a set of linked scenarios that form a campaign, an ongoing story. Each previous scenario in the campaign will affect the start of the next.
Gates of Niflheim uses the Paths Unknown game engine to create a non-linear adventure. The direction your hero chooses to exit a scenario decides the new page in the book that you will travel to.

Each scenario your hero's travel to presents its own unique perils, challenges and rewards.
There are over 30 scenarios in a spiral bound book designed to sit flat, so that you can play directly on the individual pages of your Paths Unknown adventure.

The game experience can be enhanced with miniatures. For those who love minis, we offer 5 MINIATURE BOX sets in the adds ons section of the campaign. Miniatures are also included in the DELUXE set.
* Miniatures provided assembled and unpainted.
Each BOX set comes with 4 modular character sheets
and 9 selectable heroes to play with.
All the necessary tokens, makers and pegs are provided so that you can easily keep track of your hero's progress.
* Both the BOX set and DELUZE set come with these dashboards. The BOOK set instead has copyable character sheets for use with pen and paper.